Sunday, 8 March 2015

Module 2: Task 4b - Special Interest Group

I have created a Special Interest Group (SIG) - 'Performing Arts in Education' - using the google+ community builder tool.

(Link to SIG)

I decided to use google+ as all my peers from the course are already there and I also enjoy how easy the platform is to use and link with other platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc).

So far there have been a number of good questions raised around the readers as well as outside points of view and ideas for lines of inquiry.  I am finding the SIG already has huge value as it is a great way to connect with others and share information along with resources (links to articles, websites etc) and is constantly evolving, throwing out new questions that I had not previously considered.  Just like teaching, I am discovering that by giving my thoughts to someone else's questions, I am often in turn answering some of my own, which then sparks more ideas and questions in my mind!

I know that this SIG will be worth its weight in gold going forward, especially in module three, so here is to sharing to learn and learning to share!

Image Source:

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