Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Module 3 submitted. Time to plan the presentation...

I submitted my critical review on Monday night and boy did it feel good...and equally terrifying.  Monday night I slept for around four hours in total - not nearly enough for my liking (!) - as I kept running through my essay in my head, not that I can exactly edit it now, so I don't know why worrying about it would make a difference at this stage?!  I am a bit of a worrier in life though and combined with being a perfectionist and a touch of OCD for good measure, I end up wide eyed at 3am.


So I decided to write a blog, with the hope that by sharing my concern with the rest of the world, I might self soothe and reduce some anxiety at least, especially as there are another 48 days until module results are published...not that I am counting or anything!

Speaking of upcoming days, the presentation day is looming and so far I have done very little work on it.  However, I do have Saturday all day to work on it, which is the plan of action.  

I have never written (or delivered) a presentation of any sort, although how different can it be from teaching?  I am sure that if I can stand in front of a group of judging, hormonal and quite often (verbally) abusive teenagers with confidence and successfully deliver information to them, surely a presentation to grown ups be fine...right?  I will keep you posted...

To begin with, I am going to re-watach the powerpoint presentation Paula (uploaded to her blog) on how to create a presentation.  I have also researched some websites on creating a university presentation and have uploaded some URLs for anyone who is looking for some advice - 

I have also found a whole host of TED talks that give hints and tips on presentations:

Now I could do with a little advice if anybody can help...

When creating my presentation, I am unsure whether to use keynote or powerpoint, as I have access to both; keynote on my macbook, powerpoint at school.  As I have never used either, I spoke to some colleagues and have heard mixed reviews of both.  The internet again has a multitude of opinions on which is better, so if anyone has any experience of using either, I would really appreciate it! 

Source: Google search at -

I have mentioned it before (in a previous blog), but during module 3, I really missed having the time to blog, as I find sitting, thinking and typing, extremely productive.  Afterwards, I feel my mind relax a little and I rekindle the motivation to work towards my latest goals! 

Here is to getting back into the swing of my blog...

Source: Google search at -



  1. Oh gosh, I was the same! For about half an hour after I hit 'submit' I had to lie on my bed and try to stop my brain from racing and rewriting! It's such a pain isn't it??

    I'm not looking forward to the presentation at all - given that I trained as an actor, you'd think I'd be all right at speaking in public, but I'm really not (I guess it's different when you're playing a character!)

    I've only ever used PowerPoint, I have no idea about Keynote, so I'm obviously going to use that!

  2. Hi Emma, like Dani I also have no idea about Keynote so will be using Powerpoint too. As my Artefact was shown using a movie/slideshow style format, my powerpoint will be quite similar but with a considered formal approach. This is also something I am not looking forward to but it will be great to meet everyone who we have shared our journeys with! x
